Knitting and Craft Group

The group meets once a month, on the first Thursday, from 10am to 12 noon and it is a great opportunity for a chat over the knitting needles, sewing needle or craft project. (See forthcoming dates below).
Formerly known as the "Hats and Mitts" group, it began when a group of parishioners got together to knit hats and mitts for refugee children in Syria.
The group has evolved and now knits beautiful squares, sewn into warm blankets, for Herts Young Homeless to have something warm and cheerful when they are moved into accommodation. We are currrently donating eight to ten blankets a year.
You only need fairly basic knitting skills to get involved and sewists are also welcome to help sew the squares together.
For those who are not knitters, you can get involved to help create beautiful displays, using your crafting skills, for the Hope Railings outside the church.
The knitting group has been working so hard, that they recently sold two blankets and donated the proceeds to the church.
If you would like to join, or would like some more information, please contact our church warden, Gill Peplow HERE.
Forthcoming dates:
September 5th and 19th
October 3rd and 24th
November 7th and 21st
December 5th and 19th

If you are feeling more adventurous, the group has also started knitting hearts, Easter eggs and flowers, to create displays around the church. If you would like the patterns or to know more, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Gill (see above).
New Blankets
Despite not being able to meet in person the Parish Knitting Group has continued to keep busy and has recently completed these two beautiful and cosy blankets for Herts Young Homeless.